County Rescue’s professional staff is dedicated to the medical field and their expertise is focused on caring for patients. Personnel are trained to and maintain the highest level of pre-hospital care in the region. Our staff performs continuing education and training, routinely exceeding State and Local licensing standards. Certifications are also obtained through specialized schools not locally available, which allows us to expand the knowledge base of our entire staff. Focusing strictly on medical care has allowed County Rescue to be a leader in EMS, often being the first to perform many of the treatment protocols now locally available.
County Rescue also has a network of over 80 medical staff functioning in our contracted, rural municipalities. These personnel are licensed at all levels from medical first responder through paramedics. These “first responders” are volunteers who respond from their homes to assist members of their community in their time of need. Responders are trained, supported, and medically equipped by County Rescue. This system allows us to put advanced medical care at the patient’s side within minutes, yet helps contain taxpayer costs.